For Jacob

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Tim earned a present. He does not need a nappy in the night anymore. Most of the last five nights he was dry. Now we are so proud on him, he got a robot. One with light and sound. Tim likes to show this robot to Jacob. Before we hear the robot shoot he screams: “Fire”. Tim also got a illuminated globe and, to everybody who wants to know, he show where Australia is!
Evaline earned a present also. She was all five nights dry, without a nappy. So she got a house-cleaningcar. One with a broom, barrel, ceiling-mop, and a real working vacuum cleaner. She is so very proud and also wants to show her stuff to Jacob and Ryan.
So I had to take some pictures to show you! Here they are!  I can guarantee you that I am so proud on my both children. Although it seems to be more difficult for boys, Tim is doing not to bad.

Vanmiddag een heel lief moeder-dochter moment en Kees had de camera snel bij de hand!